STRATEGIC MANAGEMENTBusiness is built on long-term sustainability, which requires strategic planning and defining objectives and visions that then guide how a company is managed. As part of strategic management, we optimise company operations, revise and innovate the business model, optimise the product portfolio and provide coaching and mentoring for management.
COMPANY OPTIMISATION & STRATEGIC PLANNINGTo guide a company’s strategy correctly, it is essential to assess whether its size corresponds to its market position in terms of turnover, product portfolio, operating load and capacity, external financing, essential investments and capital equipment, target markets and customers. A long-term vision for the company’s development fundamentally affects its short-term and medium-term management.
PRODUCT PORTFOLIO, ITS STRUCTURE AND RANGEFor every company, each product or service is a key component and its profitability is an essential precondition for the company’s success. However, not every company manages to provide its products at a profit. It is therefore important to monitor added value and, if necessary, optimise the product portfolio, maintaining an ideal range.
REVISING THE BUSINESS MODELA company’s business model not only defines the products and services it offers and their added value but also which customers are targeted and in what scope. The company’s operations and its human, management, financial, investment and production capacities must all be in line with the business model. From a long-term perspective, the business model defines the company’s development, even though it may undergo many amendments.
MANAGEMENT SUPPORT, COUCHING & MENTORINGNo company works in isolation or in a static environment. Management must be familiar with market standards, monitor trends and developments and keep tabs on competitor behaviour. To this end, it is useful to have an objective and independent overview of your company’s status, its management, financial health, operations, processes and project management, and its position on the market vis-à-vis its competitors.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTEffective management is the key to a company’s performance, competitiveness and flexibility. The company’s value is derived from its performance. With our performance management, you can implement changes to improve performance and help manage both routine processes and major steps such as a company takeover or a new acquisition. We can also boost marketing efforts. We implement control mechanisms and oversee the running of the company and its internal arrangements as part of corporate governance.
POST-ACQUISITION TAKEOVERTaking over a company is a decisive moment for the company itself and the investor, making demands on finances, capacities and management. What will the new owner or partner’s first steps be? The company’s business partners, banks, suppliers, creditors, employees and management are all waiting to see. Immediately after acquisition, it is essential to take measures to avoid any destabilisation on either side.
IMPROVING EFFICIENCY & PERFORMANCEEfficient functioning and financial performance determine a company’s value and the return on investment for owners, investors and creditors. To ensure your company maintains market value, it is essential to constantly strive to improve its efficiency and performance.
MARKETING & PROMOTIONEven the best product needs proper promotion that takes the specific characteristics of its target group into account in order to succeed. We ensure that the brand has appropriate marketing and can systematically build its reputation. Good marketing and promotion can help a company make an impact on the market and establish its quality and added value. This will ensure customers remain loyal to the brand and the product.
MANAGING & IMPLEMENTING CHANGESMajor or minor changes are part of every company’s life. The capacity to respond to them, the courage to implement them and the ability to cope with them are critical for a company to remain competitive and survive in a changing market and a turbulent economic and geopolitical situation. It is important to respond to changes appropriately, with a highly professional approach that draws on experience from similar past situations.
CORPORATE GOVERNANCEThe right organisational structure affects a company’s flexibility, efficiency and competitiveness. The speed with which management takes decisions and correctly assigns and delegates responsibility often decides the company’s success.
REPORTING & CONTROLLINGEffective decision-making regarding a company’s short-term and strategic priorities requires proper reporting and controlling, allowing management to use reliable and transparent data to track the true situation in the company, control and allocate costs, and monitor and manage revenues. This allows the company’s functioning to be verified so that optimum efficiency is achieved.
COMPANY FINANCINGEvery company needs finance in order to operate successfully. Whether this financing comes from equity or debt, it is essential to define the right parameters for how it will be used, how much will be needed and when. The right amount of external capital at the right price is crucial for a company’s financial health and continued development.
ACQUISITIONS, MERGERS & DIVESTITURESEffective company management needs precise information on which activities and assets generate added value for the company and which are unprofitable. We look at both the company’s assets and its activities. If certain assets are not a key component of the company and there is no reason to keep them, we can plan to dispose of them sensibly and maximise revenues from their reassignment or liquidation.
RISK CAPITAL & MEZZANINE FINANCINGWhen ordinary forms of external financing are unavailable because the planned investments are too complex, too risky, too long-term or too financially demanding, or the requisite know-how is lacking, alternative solutions have to be found. Mezzanine financing or risk capital is usually more expensive, but it is generally only a stopgap solution that can later be replaced with ordinary financing at standard terms.
EXTERNAL FINANCING & WORKING CAPITALExternal financing is an integral part of how most companies operate. Relations with creditors and their confidence in a company dictate whether it will be able to finance its operational and investment needs, therefore determining its ability to develop and expand. When a company’s performance stagnates or declines, its fate may depend on external finance. The optimal level, scope, flexibility and cost of finance all have a significant impact on a company’s financial health.
TRADE FINANCE & TRANSACTION FINANCINGFinance must be found for every transaction a company enters as a supplier or customer. Choosing the right instrument and partner means realising the maximum from a transaction, while undervaluing it may result in serious problems, especially in foreign trade. Modern financing instruments can actively manage a whole range of risks relating to territories, transactions, currencies and credit.
DISTRESS MANAGEMENTManaging a company in difficult situations is highly demanding and requires great expertise and experience. Responding promptly and appropriately is the key to successfully overcoming a crisis and restoring order. We are ready to take on the role and responsibilities of the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) and steer a company through times of crisis. Our goal is to avoid insolvency and minimise losses for owners and creditors. We are also ready to take over the management of a bankrupt company and guide it through insolvency proceedings with minimal losses.
TURNAROUND MANAGEMENTWhen a company is in difficulty, it is essential to take necessary action immediately—identify the causes, define their significance, and design and implement solutions. Owners and managers cannot succumb to emotion or internal and external pressures and instead remain neutral and transparent. Here, our team’s previous experience with resolving similar situations is invaluable, ensuring decisiveness and the willingness to take what are often difficult decisions.
INSOLVENCYWhen a company becomes insolvent, management and the owners may bear liability, which can even result in criminal proceedings. It is essential to be prepared for this and respond promptly. Every company needs a properly designed management and control system that can quickly detect the threat of insolvency and react before outside events reveal what is going on inside the company.
INTERNAL & EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONGetting communications right gives every company a significant competitive advantage by helping maintain good relations with the outside world and creating a positive atmosphere inside the company. During major changes or crises in a company or negative events inside or outside the company, communication helps it retain the confidence of its partners and the general public. Regular internal communications can boost the corporate culture and reinforce staff loyalty, helping improve the company’s performance.
LEGAL SUPPORT & REGULATIONAlongside economic and financial parameters, a company’s functioning is greatly affected by legal requirements and how the sector is regulated. These factors also influence the company’s financial situation, its reputation and social status, and public perception. It is important for a company to ensure all of its activities are in compliance with the law and that it adheres to all relevant regulations.
MANAGING FAMILY COMPANIESMany family-owned companies grow more rapidly than their management structures and often end up in situations where they need the assistance of experienced managers who can introduce appropriate management procedures and internal processes. Other companies, especially ones founded in the 1990s, are now at the phase where their founders want to reduce their role in running them and pass them on to their successors. In either case, we are ready to help.
TRANSFERRING A COMPANY TO ITS SUCCESSORSFor the founder, transferring a family company is often stressful. The owner’s life’s work is being placed in new hands, and any organisational problems can further complicate this phase. Entrusting the practical aspects to independent professionals will ensure everything proceeds according to plan.
PROFESSIONALIZATION OF THE MANAGEMENTAs a company grows, so does the importance of having the right internal organisation and professional management. Many family companies eventually outgrow their management structures and end up in a situation where a single person cannot continue to be responsible for everything. Some responsibilities can be transferred to a hired professional management team. We help choose the right people and set up the necessary processes.
NEW BUSINESSToday’s world of rapid technological development and innovation offers plenty of opportunities for new business. There are many good ideas, but it is a long road from an idea to its successful implementation. New ideas must be framed in a corporate structure, suitable financing has to be found, and all of it professionally managed. Underestimating the importance of managing processes and operations can result in the failure of an otherwise good idea.
TARPAN Managers provide management capacities that bring new ideas to life and ensure new companies are successfully managed so that innovators can concentrate on strategic development rather than routine management work.